Mexico, Feb. 27 (Notimex).- There will be more than a thousand 300 million 5G users and a thousand 360 million more mobile devices worldwide with a 40 percent network coverture, according to GSMA, organization that gathers mobile operators.

In a statement, it pointed out that the 5G network has three main uses: a broad band 10 times larger, 10 times more complexity in operations and network maintenance and 100 times more connections; challenges that operators will face when future transportation networks are built.

In that regard, Jeffrey Gao, president of the products line Ethernet de Huawei, pointed out that the operators must have in mind the commercial necessities of the next decade when the transportation network with technology 5G is built.

During this process, we believe that operators will have to keep in mind three principal standards: broadband update costs, convergent 4G and 5G transportation, and automatized operation and maintenance from end to end.”, he indicated.

He said that Huawei presented in Mobile World Congress 2019, a transportation network solution and a convergent list for 5G, which allows the global operators maximize its commercial value when offering three principal capacities.

Gao explained that 5G satisfies the necessities of both individuals and vertical industries, and it will allow new services such as Cloud VR (Virtual Reality), private lines and connected vehicles.

The 5G network future architecture will be built on data centers. The quality of the diverse innovating services requires that 5G networks facilitate guaranteed service level agreements. Therefore, the ascending and descending industry participants must take advantage of the opportunities that technology development offers and build an all-in-one convergence in a transportation network”, he considered.

The Chinese corporation directive stood out that Huawei continues working with industry associates and innovating communication of data and fiber optic to build physical networks with no blockings that could trigger problems.

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