By Enrique Vidales Ripoll
09, September of 2006

September 9, in restoring acquaintance of the center of Mérida, the most
important media in the State went to the convocation of the Movement "Democracy
it is for all" for a press conference. The objective was to give to know to the
civil society the convocation for the 1er Civic Forum with the topic "The
consolidation of the democracy it is responsibility from all" to take place the
next one September 30 from the 5:30 hours in the Chamber of Commerce in this

The motivation of the organizers, among which I feel proud and committed to
share the same interest, it is to make be worth the opinion of the citizens in
the face of the insensibility of the political forces that they ignore the
fair birdcalls of justice and social attention.

For all the Mexicans we have known the problems and consequences in the
federal electoral process in this year. Still when it has been fulfilled the
whole legal order to pronounce who was Elect President, the threat of a
continuous latent uncertainty for a fight of power for the same power, without
caring the achievements and being erected a political force as the absolute
possessors of a truth, their own truth.

It is for them that in the consideration of the democratic paper that is
exemplary in Yucatan, we have made the decision of heading this movement that it listens to the citizenship in their interests and opinions. We make be
worth the right to the freedom of thinking and expression. We assume a
commitment for the tolerance that allows to create the dialogue space and
necessary consens in a democratic society.

"Democracy is for all" it is not a casual movement, it arises of a necessity
and very clear objectives. The main factor is to help, as profesionistas and
people that we give bill from what happens in the society, to look for the space
that allows to intend and to have positive influence in the definition of
political platforms for the next electoral process

It is not a movement to look for positions, neither to give pronouncements in
favor of a candidate. The generated documents will be given to all the political
participant forces in the electoral process. It is time that the citizens make
be worth our opinion and let us have the government that we deserve… it is
time of "Democracy it is for all"


Espero que esta publicación sea de tu interés. Me gustaría seguir en contacto contigo. Por lo cual te dejo mis principales redes para dialogar y comentar los temas de interés para la sociedad y nosotros.