The recent release of the PISA assessment results in Mexico has raised concerns about the state of our education. In the report, Mexico has dropped 14 points in the areas of mathematics, reading, and science, scoring 395 points compared to the 409 points achieved in 2018 during neoliberal times. While it is undeniable that the pandemic and the resulting lockdown have affected students, we cannot limit the analysis solely to this factor.

The current government has inadequately addressed the educational challenges. While the pandemic has influenced student discipline and participation, it is not the sole culprit of educational lag. The historical emphasis on coverage and retention has overshadowed the assessment of learning quality, content assimilation, and skill development. Automatic promotion, based on the right to education, has led to the neglect of study discipline and cognitive assessment, essential for the formation of competent professionals.

It is crucial to recognize that we live in a globalized world, where economic, social, and cultural exchange is inevitable. However, the current administration has rejected the concept of competence in education, deeming it neoliberal. The educational reform of the Fourth Transformation set the goal of achieving “educational excellence” in the constitutional article 3. However, Mexico’s regression in PISA results worldwide confirms that this aspiration lacks effective practical implementation.

Let us bear in mind that competence not only drives individual development but also enables effective solutions to social problems. The current educational policy has neglected the promotion of competencies, leaving students without the necessary skills to face the challenges of the current technological and global world.

Educational regression is not only a consequence of the pandemic but also of educational policies that promote conformity and dismiss progress and science. A focus on improving education is essential for the development of the population and social progress. In this regard, the current administration should reconsider its stance and acknowledge that quality education is fundamental to the advancement of society.

In conclusion, the current situation requires a thorough evaluation and corrective measures. In addition to addressing the effects of the pandemic, it is essential to review and adjust educational policies to prioritize teaching quality, the development of competencies, and the preparation of students for the challenges of the 21st century.

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